The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI)
Together, Empowering Tone at the Top

Certified Anti-Corruption Expert Manager (CACEM)®©

The AACI launched a higher-level anti-corruption certification program: Certified Anti-Corruption Expert Manager (CACEM)®©. The certification process engages candidates in intensive high-profile anti-corruption case analysis. It empowers them to implement the Ten Principles of Fighting Corruption and Standards on Fighting Corruption (SFCs) by applying critical thinking to real public corruption cases, scandals, current news, published research, or investigations.  

The Eligibility Requirements
A CACEM candidate shall

1- Be a Certified Anti-Corruption Manager ®©(CACM) ®© and a member in good standing and membership at The AACI for at least one year on the date of the CACEM exam.

A CACM who is sixty years old or older is waived the one-year requirement. 

2- Attend and participate in ten case studies and analyses, four hours of live Zoom session each, led by a senior expert of The AACI 

3- Achieve a grade of 75% in the program,

4- Abide by The AACI code of ethics, and

5- Satisfy The AACI continuing professional educational (CPE) requirements and

6- Maintain a good standing and membership in The Institute 

Program Structure

The CACEM program is structured around ten classes, each spanning four hours. Each class is dedicated to presenting, analyzing, and discussing real-life scandals, current news, and published research relevant to the field. Additionally, online exams are administered during these sessions to assess candidates' grasp of the key concepts presented in the class.

Active candidate engagement and robust discussion are pivotal in the journey toward CACEM certification. These elements are encouraged and deemed essential for candidates to pass the CACEM program, demonstrating their comprehensive understanding of anti-corruption principles and practices.

Proctoring the CACEM Online Final Exam

Ensuring the credibility and integrity of the CACEM management credential is paramount. We are unwavering in our commitment to uphold and strengthen the reliability and trustworthiness of the CACEM anti-corruption credential on a global scale.

The Exam Unit at The AACI conducts the Certified Anti-Corruption Expert Manager (CACEM) final exam through two methods: in-person and via Zoom. The administration of these exams is directly supervised by The AACI's proctoring team or an authorized representative in strict adherence to The AACI's established proctoring procedures and conditions for Zoom exams (accessible here). The Exam Unit maintains uniform proctoring standards, adhering to the same Zoom exam procedures and requirements across all its certification programs.

Duration of the Program

The term of the program is five to ten months. 

Mode of Delivery

The delivery mode of the program is 100% online. Zoom is the video platform we use to deliver the program.


Upon successful completion of the CACEM online exam, a candidate's membership status with The Institute will be updated to reflect their achievement of CACEM certification. Subsequently, The Institute will provide the candidate with two important digital documents: a CACEM certificate and a digital CACEM membership card.

Additionally, candidates who attended at least 80% of the program classes and achieved a score of at least 60% will receive recognition for their dedication. The AACI will confer a Certificate of Attendance to these candidates, acknowledging their commitment and performance in the program.

Successful Completion of the CACEM

A CACEM candidate shall become a CACEM when he scores at least 75% in the program. 

The program grades are allocated as follows:

5% for each class ( 50% for ten classes)

50% for the final exam

Sitting for the CACEM Exam

To be eligible for the CACEM exam, candidates must attend at least 80% of the program classes. Upon meeting this attendance requirement, the Exam Unit will issue an important document, the Exam Authorization Letter (EAL). This EAL is a mandatory prerequisite for candidates to be allowed to sit for the CACEM exam.

The CACEM Exam

The CACEM exam is a meticulously structured assessment designed to evaluate candidates' comprehension of the Ten Principles of Fighting Corruption and their corresponding Standards on Fighting Corruption (SFCs). This 160-minute, proctored online examination comprises five essay questions emphasizing knowledge and practical application.

The examination measures a CACEM candidate's proficiency and analytical insight in utilizing their acquired knowledge to dissect real-life scenarios. Moreover, it assesses their capacity to formulate professional and pragmatic anti-corruption recommendations, aiming to mitigate corruption risks and foster a sustainable environment.

The CACEM exam is a comprehensive assessment tool that scrutinizes theoretical understanding and the practical aptitude required to combat corruption effectively.

Registration, Administration, and Delivery

For CACM candidates based in the United States, the Exam Unit of The American Anti-Corruption Institute (AACI) or a U.S. regional strategic partner manages the registration process. You can register on the following web link: Conversely, candidates outside the U.S. should complete their registration through Effective Knowledge Against Corruption LLP (EKAC), which can be accessed via the provided link ( )

The administration of the CACEM exam is split based on geographical location. In the United States, The AACI administers the exam, while globally, this responsibility falls under the purview of EKAC.

It's important to note that despite the division of administrative responsibilities, The Exam Unit of The AACI maintains a central role in overseeing crucial aspects of the program. This includes content development, exam administration, and the certification process. Furthermore, The Exam Unit closely supervises the delivery of the program to ensure its integrity and quality.

Program Fee and Review Course Price

The program fee is USD 500, and the annual membership fee is USD 175. The program fee encompasses administrative expenses, issuing a CACEM certificate, and providing a membership card.

However, it's essential to note that the program fee does not include the review course price. The review course price covers access to the course content presented during the ten classes, the AACI's expert fee, and the final exam cost. The review course price varies depending on the region and will be provided accordingly.

For more information, contact us , and someone from the membership team will be in touch; alternatively, you can telephone 1-( 480) 239 - 1745 or via Signal (480) 409 - 4074

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